Thursday, August 31, 2006

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan

Selamat Hari Merdeka

49 tahun lalu, apakah wawasan kita untuk anak bangsa.
Setelah 49 tahun, apakah yang sudah kita capai?

Peratusan buta huruf
Berapa ramaikah yang berpelajaran tinggi
Apakah pelajaran tinggi itu di manfaatkan

Berapakah beza jurang antara kaya dan miskin
Kemanakah kita manfaatkan kekayaan negara

Kemerdekaan, bermatawang sendiri,
kita bebas mencetak matawang sendiri.
Apakah kita mencetak matawang itu untuk kroni atau untuk rakyat?
Apakah kita telah menukar Tuan Mat Saleh
dengan Tuan bangsa sendiri
dan kini kita memperhambakan rakyat sendiri.
dan juga rakyat negara jiran yang berhijrah
ke negara makmur ini.
Apakah itu erti kemerdekaan?

Burung Hijau

Someone forward this to me:
Bila hamba Allah menggucapkan Laillahaillallah maka keluarlah dari
mulutnya yang menggucapkan perkataan yang mulia itu seekor burung hijau.

Maka burung hijau akan naik ke Arasy Allah dan berkicauanlah burung-burung
tadi dibawah Arasy. Melihat kejadian itu malaikat yang menjaga Arasy Allah
memerintahkan kepada burung-burung tadi supaya diam tetapi tidak dipatuhi
oleh mereka.Oleh kerana arahan yang diberi tidak dipatuhi,malaikat yang
menjaga Arasy mengadap Allah SWT menceritakan kejadian itu. Maka Allah
memerintahkan malaikat tersebut supaya memberitahu burung-burung supaya
diam. Apabila perintah itu diberitahu kepada mereka.

Maka berkatalah burung-burung itu... "wahai malaikat yang menjaga Arasy
Allah, kami boleh mendiamkan diri kami tetapi dengan satu permintaan"

bertanya malaikat "Apakah permintaan itu?"

berkata burung-burung itu" Jika Allah ampunkan dosa-dosa orang yang
mengucapkan kalimah Lailahaillallah sehingga terciptanya aku,barulah aku
akan tidak membuat bising disini".

berkata malaikat itu"baiklah aku akan sampaikan kepada Allah".

beredarlah malaikat dan menyembah Allah dan disampaikan permintaan tadi
kepada Allah. Maka Allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang menerima
permintaan tersebut.

Malaikat pun pergi berjumpa dengan burung-burung itu dan mengatakan bahawa
Allah telah menerima permintaan mereka.

Maka dengan segera mereka tidak membuat bising dan mereka bergantungan
diArasy Allah sambil berzikir dan memohon keampunan untuk orang yang
mengucap Lailahaillallah tadi sehingga hari kiamat.

Oleh itu kita manusia sepatutnya tidak melepaskan peluang yang diberi oleh
Allah itu. dengan hanya mengucap kalimat yang disukaii olah Allah maka
balasanya berterusan hingga hari kiamat. Maha suci Allah yang maha
pengasih lagi maha penyayang.

sekian ...wallahuaqlam...........

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Kenapa anda sunat mandi selepas menziarahi jenazah

Masa saya kecil dulu, ayah setiap kali baru balik dari menziarahi jenazah dari rumah si mati atau dari kubur, ayah mesti mandi dahulu sebelum masuk rumah. dah kira wajib. Ayah larang anak anak dekat dia atau sentuh dia.
"Nanti ayah pergi mandi dulu, sebab ayah baru balik dari menziarahi jenazah"
Kenapa ayah?
"Takut nanti kamu kena badi mayat"

Ini cerita yang diforwardkan oleh abang saya:

Walaupun kita digalakkan menziarahi jenazah..namun berhati-hatilah...
Beringat sblm kene... ingatlah orang tersayang.... please take note of
this for our on good.... org tua-tua used to say.... bila balik from
melawat org meninggal, terus ke bilik air, cuci muka, rehat sebentar
baru tegur anak2 dirumah.

Terbaca kisah Ura, teringat saya pada tragedi yang menimpa bayi
perempuan saya, ketika itu masih berusia 7 bulan. Memang tidak bermaya,
tidak tidur, tidak menangis, tidak ketawa, tidak makan dan tidak pula
menyusu. Hati ibu mana yang mampu menahan bila keadaan anak begitu. Saya
bersama suami sering lakukan solat hajat untuk meminta Allah lindungi
dan pelihara kesihatan dan kesejahteraan kami sekeluarga.

Masa berlalu sehinggalah rumah ibu di datangi seorang lelaki yang agak
berusia lewat 50an dan memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Cik Man, seingat
saya waktu itu hari raya Aidil Adha. Sesungguhnya kami sekeluarga memang
tidak mengenali dan tidak pernah pula berkenalan dengan lelaki tersebut.
Cik Man tu kata selepas beliau selesai solat Asar tak tahu pulak gerakan
hati untuk kerumah itu (rumah ibu).

Beliau terus saja menjengah ke buaian anak saya sambil mengucap
panjang. Beliau terduduk sambil memadang wajah seorang demi seorang.
Beliau kata di dalam buaian itu bukannya anak saya tetapi wajah
perempuan tua yang hampir kecut. Ya Allah! Waktu itu rasanya kaki saya
tidak mencecah ke bumi, terasa terlerai segala sendi yang ada. Cik Man
tu menawarkan diri untuk mengubat bayi saya selama tiga hari(itu pun
dengan izin dari Allah...katanya). Dia meminta saya mendapatkan air
lebihan mandian jenazah (air yang masih ada di dalam getah) dengan
syarat yang meninggal mestilah seorang lelaki (sebab yang menumpang pada
bayi saya adalah mayat perempuan tua bukannya seorang tetapi tujuh
orang, benda tu menghuni di setiap sendi bayi perempuan saya) jika saya
terlewat bayi saya mungkin turut meninggal.

Sampai ketahap saya berdoa agar adalah makhluk Allah yang meninggal pd
hari itu. Hampir tiga jam saya bersama suami bertanya ke sana-sini,
mencari rumah orang yang ada kematian. Dgn izin Allah saya terjumpa
petang itu, alhamdulilah.

Petang itu Cik Man ke masjid dan dia hanya berpesan agar bayi saya yang
sekecil itu dimandikan menghadap ke kiblat berserta sepotong doa yang
diberikan. Suami saya terus memandikan bayi perempuan saya seperti yang
disarankan oleh Cik Man tadi. Selepas dimandikan separuh badan bayi saya
(dari pinggang kebawah) bertukar menjadi lebam. Rupa-rupanya kami
tersilap kerana mana ada jenazah perempuan orang lelaki yang mandikan.
Sekali lagi hati saya tidak keruan, mencari hingga ke malam.

Keesokkannya pagi-pagi lagi saya telah ke rumah mayat HSA menanti
kalau-kalau ada orang yang meninggal ketika itu. Allah maha penyayang
dan akhirnya saya bertemu dengan kawan lama yang kebetulan kematian
datuk. Saya meminta izin dari neneknya untuk meminta sedikit air lebihan
mandian untuk membuat ubat anak saya. Saya menceritakan dengan linangan
air mata, tersentuh hati saya bila nama bayi perempuan saya di sebut.
Bila air itu sudah diperolehi terus saja saya serahkan kepada Cik Man
(tak mahu ada sebarang kesilapan lagi). Cik Man meminta saya memandikan
bayi saya tu tapi saya tidak boleh kerana kedatangan haid, terpaksa ibu
yang mengambil alih tempat saya. Cik Man berpesan apa jua yang berlaku
pada malam itu beliau meminta kami semua bersabar dan ingatkan Allah
banyak-banyak. Pintu dan tingkap diminta dibuka seluas-luasnya. Cik Man
meminta ibu tanakkan sepiring pulut kuning. Benar seperti apa yang Cik
Man katakan. Malam itu adalah malam pertama saya mendengar tangisan bayi
saya, tangisan yang saya rindu selama beberapa bulan yang lalu. Bayi
saya meronta-ronta dan dengan sepontan terasa seperti ada imbasan angin
yang keluar terus menuju ke pintu dapur rumah ibu. Dalam masa yang sama
terdengar suara ibu memekik dari dapur (seperti suara orang
terperanjatkan sesuatu) tutup pengukus pulut itu dipenuhi cecacing dan
ulat yang berwarna hitam. Adik lelaki saya mengucap dan terus membuang
ulat-ulat itu ke longkang.

Bila kesemuanya telah selesai, Cik Man memberitahu tahu kepada
saya,suami dan keluarga yang ada. Ada seorang daripada ahli keluarga
yang menziarah orang meninggal dalam kemalangan, kemudian balik dari
ziarah terus menegur bayi saya tu. Cik Man cakap itu badi mayat.
Kebetulan waktu itu bapa saudara saya pula sampai ke rumah untuk
bertanyakan khabar bayi saya. Rupa-rupanya orang yang Cik Man maksudkan
itu adalah bapa saudara saya, dia pun akui dan tak sangka perkara itu
terjadi kpd bayi saya.

Cik Man menawarkan diri sekali lagi untuk merawat bayi saya sehingga
berusia setahun. Saya pernah sekali ke rumahnya dan membawa serba
sedikit keperluan dapur untuk dia dan isterinya. Gembira dan bersyukur
kerana bayi saya sudah pandai bertatih.

Setelah segala kesulitan terurai saya bercadang untuk menziarah Cik Man
sambil membawa sedikit sedekah dan tanda terima kasih. Saya dan mencari
alamat rumah spt yang diberikan oleh Cik Man. Apabila saya sampai ke
alamat itu saya lihat disitu cuma ada sebuah rumah tinggal yang papannya
sudah pun berlumut. Saya bertanya dengan kedai mamak yang berhampiran,
tempat saya membeli keperluan dapur waktu pertama kali saya bertandang
kerumah Cik Man. Mamak tu kata rumah tu dah bertahun-tahun kosong, tuan
rumah tu tak ada waris.

Saya dan suami berpandangan sesama sendiri. Barang yang telah terniat
untuk Cik Man saya sedekahkan ke surau yang berhampiran.Terima kasih dan
saya sekeluarga terhutang budi kepada Cik Man (jika beliau masih hidup)
dan saya sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat Cik Man jika dia benar-benar sudah

Benar kata Ura,apa yang berlaku elok dijadikan pengajaran dan

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

From Blog Lim Kit Siang

Stories for Pak Lah and Khairy - Selamat Hari Kebangsaan!
Time & Date: August 27, 2006 @ 02: 21.00

"Product of the System" has written up two these real-life tragedies
encountered as a government doctor in Sabah on the occasion of the
49th National Day, followed by reflections. It should be compulsory
reading for all politicians, national, state and local ? in fact for
all Malaysians as well ? on the cavernous divide between the fortunate
and the wretched in the country:

For Khairy:

A 46-year-old Dewan Bandaraya worker was admitted for progressive,
generalized weakness associated with a severe inflammatory rash.
Unable even to swallow saliva, nasogastric feeding was started on
complete nutrition formula milk. As investigations were carried out to
clinch a diagnosis, she developed severe hospital-acquired pneumonia
which scarred her lungs extensively.
Due to a severe shortage of beds, the patient was discharged
prematurely although she was still bedridden and unable to swallow.
Her husband was told that he would have to buy the milk for
nasogastric feeding on their own, estimated to cost RM 60 per tin,
which should last about a week.

A low-ranked clerk in the civil service, he pleaded for goodwill to
prevail, that the milk be provided free as they were already unable to
cope with the increasing cost of living. He was told however, that he
would have to go through the social welfare, the application process
of which would take some time. In the meantime however, they would
have to go home empty handed.

Bed-ridden but without a wheel-chair, disfigured but not disprited,
too weak to even enter their humble, rented shophouse home, she was
sent packing without her only source of nutrition.

For Pak Lah:

A 39-year-old mother of six young children presents with severe
pneumonia secondary to multiple sclerosis. Paralysed from the neck
down, she had Grade III bed sores from prolonged immobilization. Her
chests were hardly expanding due to diaphragmatic fatigue but she
otherwise mentally alert and sharp.

The doctor-in-charge started antibiotics but immediately pronounced
DNR? do not resuscitate. It simply means that intubation was not to be
attempted should her condition deteriorate. One reason behind this
rationale was due to the severe shortage of ventilators in the

The family was advised to purchase an oxygen machine as well as a
special mattress to prevent further bed sores. At the mention of the
amount, the patient's husband, a lowly roadside hawker, reacted in
shock as there was no way they could ever afford to pay.

Referral to social welfare was made, but due to "limited funds", their
appeal was rejected. One month and a half later, she lies there still
in the ward ? too sick to go home, and too poor to get better. Too
tired to continue fighting an incurable illness and too weak to
express herself in full, she mustered her remaining strength and
begged to be euthanised which, in a sense, is exactly what we are
doing ? because of a supposed lack of funds in an oil-rich nation.

These reflections and sobering thoughts follow:

I can't imagine what goes through the minds of faceless Malaysians
when Abdullah Badawi declares prosperity and justice for Malaysians
great and small every 31 August.
There are families too poor to take a bus ride from the hospital back
to their kampong and politicians who throw tantrums in public because
they were only offered "some useless cars" from the Customs

Our special schools for special children are miserably pathetic yet
the ruling feudal masters feel that a RM 490 million sports academy is
of greater urgency.

Our teachers, lecturers, and healthcare workers are overworked,
understaffed and underpaid but we somehow have RM 600 million annually
to organize the great Malaysian summer camp a.k.a National Service.

Even as the monkeys in UMNO bersilat, brandish their keris and sound
the battle cry annually, snatch thieves wield their daggers and rob
the lives of innocent Malaysians on a daily basis.

We have UMNO Youth parading on the streets proclaiming support for
Hamas and Hizbollah, but no one to champion the plight of the pak cik
debilitated from stroke and cancer.

The cops arrest couples for holding hands in public and crackdown on
sincere, dissenting voices but "close one eye" when BN warlords
contemptuously ignore their traffic summonses and fan racial and
religious sentiments in mainstream media.

The BN government spends millions to "re-train" unemployed university
graduates after spending years brainwashing them with the nebulous
UMNO agenda and thereafter expects them to perform in the real world.

We have laws criminalizing hardworking family physicians while
un-taxable illegal immigrants live off the fat of the land without
fear of being apprehended and deported.

Our local citizens wait for months for an ultrasound scan while
Project M citizens have no qualms paying for a RM 20,000 angiogram.

The stupidity and ignorance of the current UMNO leadership is best
exemplified none other by the Putera UMNO chief's vain attempt to
"re-brand" daredevil Mat Rempits, even as hundreds of them are
bed-ridden in our hospitals with vertebral fractures and amputated
limbs, and countless more putrefying quietly in the graves of the soil
of Malaysia.

The dearth of sound leadership has never been more conspicuous as now.
"Di mana tiada helang, kata belalang akulah helang".

As Malaysians of all colors and creed daily face the threat of choking
haze, violent crime, drug abuse, HIV, diabetes and a disproportional
rise in living costs, it seems that the only issue that UMNO is
concerned with is a non-existent Sino threat to its obsession with
Ketuanan Melayu.

As I sit here wishing to do and earn more as a government doctor,
something tells me that a young man my age is wishing to have more
than a RM 9.1 million and to be more than the Prime Minister's
son-in-law. Somewhere else, however, I am reminded of a lady yearning
to sweep the filthy streets of Kuala Lumpur like she used to and
another who be eternally grateful just to breathe on her own, even if
the air is hazy.

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-49, saudara Pak Lah dan Khairy.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Zainah Anwar loves Malaysia.

This is an interesting article written by Zainah Anwar about her love for Malaysia.
Sounds like she came from well to do family, with people fussing and at their beck and call to provide goods and services. Yes services. In Malaysia as everywhere else, services come at a cost, money.
Which comes to my writing here, just like everywhere alse, if you belong to the moneyed class, and lives in a poor country, you will have it easy.

Let me write something about Malaysians.
They are well mannered, until they get behind the wheels of a car, where they become bully on the road, and honk at you for being careful and drive at 20kmh in a kampung road, because you are mindful of the chickens crossing the road.
Even if they live in cities, most still have kampung mentality of throwing rubbish everywhere, and expect Bandaraya workers to clean up after them.
If you belong to the moneyed class, or have money and connection things will be easy. Business opportunities and jobs abound. In Malaysia, its not what you know that counts, its who do you know. I suppose its the same as everywhere else. But its the 'take care of own people' and 'help your family and friends' mentality as per normal Chinese practice that is the problem.
Corruption, which is an extension of 'friend help friend' and 'taking care of each other' is abound. Of course if you look well connected and intelligent or look Western, everyone will serve you without qualms. The cops and government officers would even try asking for bribes. But if you look like an Indonesian or Bangladeshi illegal immigrant, Chinese or Indian, just brace yourselves.
The level of customer service and efficiency in government department, well you can say its slow and full of unnecessary red tape. The people are nice, just that the front line officers are not given authority, which make everything slow. As if computers doesnt exist.

So what if you are normal people, working at a factory earning minimum wage, 48 hours a week for RM600 a month or thereabout? Would things be as rosy and glowing as Zainah Anwar said?
My point here is that Zainah Anwar belong to the moneyed and well connected class. People 'ampu' her because she got money and connection. A huge chunk of Malaysian doesnt belong to that class, most people are having difficulty putting food on the table.

But hey, Its okay.. or is it?

Zainah Anwar on Friday: How much I love thee, Malaysia
25 Aug 2006
Zainah Anwar

TO mark our 49th year of Independence, let me share how much I love being Malaysian and living in Malaysia.

I love that as we chase wealth and success, family still matters. We still take care of our ageing parents, and we grit our teeth and bear with annoying and selfish relatives for the sake of family peace. My American friends are shocked that I have warned my nieces and nephews that if they do not take care of me in my old age, I would make their lives miserable. For me, it is a measure of love; but for my friends, an imposition that they could never utter.

I love that I can still ask friends and neighbours to take care of my cat, my house and my plants whenever I travel; that they are there for me just as I am there for them, in spite of our busy lives. You just make the time, no matter how hard.

I love that my electrician, my plumber and my handyman will come to my house at a moment’s notice. Not only that, while they are at the house, I can ask them to help move my heavy potted plants, cut branches off my overgrown ficus tree, and pick up the dead rat that my cat brought in.

I love that my mechanic comes to my house to collect my car for service or repairs and returns it washed and waxed. Even after 12 years, I still do not know where his workshop is. But Philip is only a phone call away.

My European and American friends cannot believe the level of service we enjoy in Malaysia, and for only a fraction of the price they would have to pay in their own countries.

Of course, the food, the glorious food. Sumptuous, in abundance, cheap and available at any time, day or night.

Where else do you find people who, while eating breakfast, plan what they will have for lunch, at lunch plan for tea, and at tea plan for dinner; people who would drive for miles to eat the best briyani, the best egg noodles with freshwater prawns, the best durian kampung.

I love that my assurances to friends that their daughters would find a niche under the Malaysian sun after many years abroad have always proven right. They have managed to balance work and pleasure, and find a circle of like-minded friends with similar interests, values, pastimes… and can gripe about living in Malaysia, but loving it still.

I value the thriving arts scene, where people like Jit Murad, Harith Iskandar, Jo Kukathas and the Instant Cafe Theatre, Yasmin Ahmad and U-Wei Haji Shaari break new ground in stand-up comedy and movie-making, that I can show off to my visiting friends who enjoy them as much as I do.

And the spaces and opportunities — mostly privately run with love and dedication — that have grown for young artistes to experiment, whether in film, music, dance, theatre or art.

I am proud of the country’s public health service where within every five miles, there is a clinic which provides excellent primary health care. How proud I was, while visiting a rural health clinic outside Kota Baru with a team of South Asian women health activists, the two nurses in attendance could not remember when the last maternal death had occurred.

It was that long ago that they had to flip through their register books, and still could not find a case. The visitors were stunned as the high maternal mortality rates in their countries meant a death would have occurred just the day or the week before.

They were even more impressed when the nurses told them that they made home visits to make sure mother and baby were doing well if the mother failed to make an appointment for post-natal care.

While much of what goes on in Malaysian politics pains me, I treasure that our political leaders, past and present, have found it in their wisdom to develop and sustain an inter-ethnic power-sharing system that has kept the peace and maintained growth and development.

In spite of everything, we have actually been blessed with prime ministers and political leaders who have built on and not destroyed what we have. I pray every day that this wisdom prevails.

I love that I live in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society and went to a school where I made friends with students of all races. My life is that much richer for this. I love that we celebrate all religious and cultural holidays of the major ethnic groups in the country.

This is much more than you can say for other ethnically diverse countries, be it in the East or West, where groups think nothing of organising conferences during Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Chinese New Year or Deepavali. It is with pride and a tinge of righteousness that I reject such invitations because of the disrespect they display towards billions of citizens of the world.

Would you have organised the conference over Christmas, I would ask as politely as possible.

I am proud that as a Malaysian Muslim feminist, I see no contradiction between my religion and my feminism; and that my fellow Malaysian feminists of other faiths see no problems joining hands in a common struggle for justice with a group like Sisters in Islam.

My Muslim friends from the Middle East and other South Asian countries are puzzled at how we can work together and even socialise together, when in their countries rights-based groups don’t engage with religion at all, let alone join hands with groups that work within the religious framework.

But I tell them it is Malaysia’s history of openness, celebration of diversity and recognition and respect for differences that enable us to live and work together. There were times when I was criticised by Muslim feminists from other countries. They believed Islam, like all religions, was inherently unjust and patriarchal. For every alternative interpretation we can offer, the mullah can offer 100 others. So why bother, they say, as it would only strengthen the hand of the mullah and give legitimacy to religion in the public sphere?

I am proud that it is my Malaysian friends of other faiths who have defended and promoted the work of Sisters in Islam to Muslims from other Muslim countries, that it is possible to find justice and liberation within Islam.

I am proud that in my travels to developing countries, whether in Southeast Asia, Africa or the Middle East, people I have met were keen to know more about Malaysia and how we did it — the political peace and stability, the growth and development, the affirmative action policy, the low poverty rate, the First-World facilities, the independent foreign policy, the existence of a group like Sisters in Islam.

And oh, I so love the Tourism Malaysia advertising campaign slogan of "Malaysia Truly Asia".

I love it when I check into a hotel in some god-forsaken part of the world and the receptionist welcomes me by singing "Malaysia, Truly Asia..." And with glee I watch other countries’ tourism advertising and their forgettable slogans of recycled cliches. I am so pleased and proud that we got it right.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Kang Saring aka Hj Mohd Sakuri Hj Rukimin 1963-2006

3 hours ago my sister Maslina text me to say that Kang Saring has died at Klang Hospital. 3-4 days in ICU, and thats the end him.
Later checking this blog, my brother Mohd Kholid said that he died of 'sakit jantung', heart attack. Later my sister text me saying he died of severe pneumonia and septicemic shock. Whatever that means, a bit beyond me.
It seems like a lifetime ago when we used to play together whenever we met. At my uncle's place, at grandmother's during the usual kenduris. We lived in the same village, his place just half a mile away from my parents place.
He was always a wise guy when he was young. He told me the stories of hantu and pontianak that got my bulu roma stand on my back. Funny thing, he told me one trick to ward off the pontianak and hantu, just pull up your skirt, and show off your bum. For sure pontianak and hantus would run away!
Kang Saring come from a large family, Pak Rukimin and and wife has 12? (not sure how many) children. His younger brother, Nasir, is one year younger than me. They were close from childhood until now. Even today, they are neighbours, setting up home on their parents land, next to each other.
Kang Saring married a woman from the village, I dont know how many children they have, but for sure their children are still young.
Some times my memory fails me. One puasa month years ago, when I was still working at Makro, we met. I was working that time, while he and his wife was shopping. I needed to send a ricecooker to my parent back in the village, and yes he was handy. So I just gave him the money an asked him to take it to my parent in the village. In those days he lived in Shah Alam, because his wife waas working at a factory there while he continue to work in Jeram, processing chicken. He told me back then that he commute to Tanjong Karang every weekend, to see their parents.
Thats a good son!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Israel: The Nation of Mass Murderer and Genocide

In modern war, the winner in the battlefield maybe the loser in the eye of the world. In this case, Israel is clear loser. They didnt get their objective of securing the two Israelis, Hizbollah getting stronger by the day in military terms, in world view and support.
This war managed to galvanised worldwide Muslim as well as non-Muslim support to Lebanon, not to mention galvanising the support for Hizbollah by all political and religious groups in Lebanon.
Dont forget all of you Muslims, the least you can co is pray to Allah to end the suffering of Palestinian and Lebanese and make people who go to jihad for Allah victorious in this world and the Hereafter.

The Israelis commit genocide in Lebanon and the world just did nothing, even delayed doing anything by bickering. America and Britain encouraged Israelis to do more, by supplying armaments.
The Muslims did nothing except maybe praying.

After defeat in Lebanon: Scandals hit Israel
8/21/2006 5:47:00 PM GMT

(AFP Photo) Olmert attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem August 13

Last week, the UN adopted a resolution that put an end to the war between Israel and Hezbollah resistance fighters, after over 1,000 innocent people have died. The 1701 Resolution also authorized up to 15,000 UN peacekeepers to help 15,000 Lebanese troops take control of south Lebanon when Israel withdraws its forces from the region.

But since the cessation of hostilities took effect at 0500 GMT on Monday, Israeli media shifted its focus on the series of scandals that hit Israel's most senior political figures including the President, Moshe Katzav, and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

“The president is locked in a sex scandal, the justice minister is quitting over a purported stolen kiss, and the prime minister is haunted by a property deal," stated an editorial on Scotsman.

The Israelis began to question their leaders' conduct of a costly month-long fighting in Lebanon.

The Israeli President has been dogged by accusations of sexual harassment in a scandal that has pushed Israel’s war in Lebanon off the front pages. But perhaps it gave the Israelis something more titillating to consider, after a month of discussing casualties and the army’s defeat by Hezbollah.

Five women accused religiously traditional Katzav of acting in a highly non-presidential manner, according to Israel Insider. Some writers said he acted in the traditions of certain American Presidents, apparently referring to the former U.S. President Bill Clinton who has been involved in a famous sex scandal.

The five women accused the Israeli President of sexually harassing them at their government jobs under his command over the years.

At least one of them said that Katsav received bribes for granting presidential pardons and that he has an offshore account number where he collects bribes for his services.

Sex allegations against President Katsav haven’t led to charges or even a police investigation, but threaten to make him appear more of a political prostitute and hypocrite rather than the morally upright ' Orthodox ' the Jews believe him to be.

• Minister quits over kiss

Another scandal involves Justice Minister Haim Ramon.

Ramon announced Friday he would resign and face charges of sexual harassment lodged by a female soldier who said Mr. Ramon forcibly kissed her in a government office.

"Mr. Ramon tendered his letter of resignation this evening," a government spokesperson told AFP.

The woman said the justice minister tried "to kiss her in an aggressive manner" during a social gathering at the defence ministry in Tel Aviv, days after the Israel has launched its brutal offensive in Lebanon.

Another woman told the Maariv newspaper that Ramon had sexually harassed her three years ago.

• Property deal spurs probe of Olmert

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, already facing public anger over his failure to win the war in Lebanon, is facing a possible probe over a Jerusalem property deal.

Israel's top government watchdog said it is examining the terms of Olmert's purchase of a Jerusalem apartment for $1.2 million in 2004.

Mr. Olmert, a former mayor of Jerusalem, and his wife are to be summoned for questioning over the deal by the government's top watchdog, according to Haaretz newspaper.

State comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss is probing allegations that the Prime Minister benefited from a massive discount on a luxury apartment he and his wife bought in Jerusalem.

Olmert bought the garden apartment two years ago for US$1.2 million ($1.9 million), according to the comptroller's findings. The apartment was actually worth between US$1.6 million and US$1.8 million.

"The significance is clear: politically, Olmert is a dead man walking," political commentator Ari Shavi wrote of the property row in the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper last week.

Why Islam is associated with Terrorrism?

Myth: Islam Tolerates the Killing of Innocents


- Muslims can be terrorists

- Muslims engage in 'holy wars' (jihad)

- Islam spread by the sword

- Islam has a harsh and cruel judicial system

This misconception is one of the most widely held misconceptions about Islam today. And yet in the Qur'an, the Creator unambiguously states (translation),

[17:33] Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)

Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of certain crimes. It is well to remember at this point the distinction made above between Qur'an and Sunnah, and the Muslims: only the Qur'an and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and certainly the action cannot be claimed to have been done "in the name of Islam."

It should be clear, then, that "Muslim terrorist" is almost an oxymoron: by killing innocent people, a Muslim is committing an awesome sin, and Allah is Justice personified. This phrase is offensive and demeaning of Islam, and it should be avoided. It is hoped that as the general level of public awareness and understanding of Islam increases, people will keep "terrorism" and "Islam" separate from each other, not to be used in the same phrase.

Another reason advanced in support of the misconception is that the Creator has imposed `jihad' on us. The term "holy war" is from the time of the Crusades and originated in Europe as a rallying cry against the Muslims in Jerusalem. Jihad is an Arabic word meaning struggle, but in the context of many verses in the Qur'an, it carries the meaning of military struggle, or war. Allah gradually introduced the obligation of military struggle to the Muslim community at the time of the Messenger (saas). The first verse ever revealed in that connection is as follows (translation),

[22:39] Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them;

This verse lays down the precondition for all war in Islam: there must exist certain oppressive conditions on the people. The Creator unequivocally orders us to fight oppression and persecution, even at the expense of bloodshed as the following verse shows (translation),

[2:190-192] And fight in the cause of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the reward of the unbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

As one might imagine, the method of military struggle has been clearly and extensively defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Since this subject is a huge one, we simply summarize part of it by noting that it is unlawful to kill women, children, the infirm, the old, and the innocent. From the Sunnah, specifically in the study of the Sunnah called Sahih Bukhari, we find:

[4:52:257] Narrated 'Abdullah: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah's Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children.

A related misconception to jihad is often propagated by Muslims who say that "Jihad is only for self-defense of physical borders." The Qur'an and Sunnah refute this notion categorically. As the verses cited above show, jihad is obligatory wherever there is injustice, and Muslims need not acknowledge imaginary lines around the earth when it comes to upholding this obligation. The Messenger of Allah (saas) has also commented on this extensively in the Sunnah. From the study of the Sunnah called Sahih Bukhari, we find that,

[4:52:65] Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause."

Hence, the Creator obligates us to fight wherever people are being grossly deprived of freely hearing or practicing the Message of Allah as contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

A third reason often cited for the misconception about Islam which says that this way of life tolerates the killing of innocents is that the judicial system of Islam is unnecessarily harsh. This reason is weak in two respects. First, it presupposes that human beings are more just and more merciful than the Creator, and therefore we can change the law. Second, it is often based on gross oversimplifications of Islamic law, such as saying "all thieves get their hands cut off."

The Qur'an and Sunnah make it clear that the law of retaliation (or equality) governs us for murder and physical injury, but forgiveness is better as the following verses from the Qur'an show (translation),

[2:178] O you who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then prosecution (for the bloodwit) should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy; so whoever exceeds the limit after this he shall have a painful chastisement.

[42:40-43] The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for (Allah) loves not those who do wrong. But indeed if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such there is no cause of blame. The blame is only against those who oppress men and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a grievous penalty. And whoever is patient and forgiving, these most surely are actions due to courage.

The Creator ordained the law of retaliation on us knowing full well that we might question it. In many non-Muslim societies today, there are ongoing debates about the death penalty. In Islam, this discussion is moot: the Creator has decided the matter for us. He has however given us an interesting verse in the Qur'an which advises to consider the matter carefully if we want to understand it (translation follows),

[2:179] And there is life for you in (the law of) retaliation, O people of understanding, that you may guard yourselves.

Most people are also unaware of the stringent conditions which must be met for the law of retaliation to be applicable. The Sunnah is full of examples of the Messenger of Allah showing us when the law's preconditions were fulfilled. For example, a thief is only liable to lose his or her hand if the item stolen exceeds a certain value, and if it is proven that the item was taken from its normal resting place. Stealing food is not punishable by the loss of one's hand, and other items are exempt as well. This is just an example of how gingerly the law is applied in Islam.

Finally, another reason advanced for this prevalent misconception is that Islam `spread by the sword'. It should be clear by now that we must always distinguish between the Qur'an and Sunnah and the Muslims when it comes to determining what the Creator has asked of us. Allah has stated clearly in the Qur'an (translation),

[2:256] There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever rejects Satan (and what he calls to) and believes in Allah, he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handhold, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

Hence, it is impossible to accept Islam under duress. Even if misguided Muslims were to try to 'force' Islam somehow on others, it would not be accepted by the Creator based on this verse.

Historical arguments that try to demonstrate that Muslims did not ‘convert others by force' are actually secondary to the argument given above. However, it is worth noting that historically, Islam did spread by peaceful means. The Message of the Creator was conveyed to Africa and to southeast Asia by trading Muslims, and today the largest Muslim country in the world is Indonesia. The military expeditions that led to the conquest of large swathes of territory in Europe and central Asia were all marked by tolerance of other creeds and faith.

Again, it is important to remember that Allah declares it IMPOSSIBLE that Islam can be forced on a person, hence Muslims find it useless to try!


“Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to (all) prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him (Allah) we submit.” [Qur’an 2:136]

As Muslims, we believe in One Creator, in all His prophets, including Jesus (peace be upon him) whom we consider as one of the mightiest prophets of Allah. We also accept that he was the Messiah as well as the Word of Allah, and that he was born miraculously without any male intervention. We are also certain that he gave life to the dead by Allah’s permission, and that he healed those born blind and the lepers by Allah’s permission. The Noble Qur’an, among other revealed books, highlights the important aspects of Jesus’ (peace be upon him) mother, his birth, his mission and his ascent to Heaven.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Al-Ustaz Abu Bakar Bashir

Here is an interview by Farish Noor with Ustaz Abu Bakar Bashir.
Yes I agree with Abu Bakar Bashir.
Do I support Bali bombers? Absolutely NOT. Killing innocent civilians is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. The killers are murderers, as are the instigators. The suicide bombers go to HELL.

We must differentiate between suicide bombers and Mujahideen. Mujahideen go to war, jihad in defense of Islam, for Islam, for Allah and nothing else.

“We Should Not Be Ashamed To Be Labelled ‘Radical’”


Interview with Ustaz Abu Bakar Bashir

By Farish A. Noor

Ustaz Abu Bakar Bashir, founder and head of the Pesantren al-Mukmin of Ngruki, Surakarta, is perhaps the most well-known Muslim scholar in Southeast Asia today. Following the bombing in Bali in 2002, he was accused of being involved in the attack and subsequently brought to trial and sent to prison. After his release last month, he has once again appeared on the political scene of Indonesia and ASEAN as a major figure in the contemporary development of popular Islam. Despite the accusations that were leveled against him, many Indonesians we met expressed support for the man and skepticism over the trial, arguing instead that the Indonesian government was forced to act against Bashir due to pressure from Western governments including the United States and Australia. Malaysian academic Farish A. Noor recently visited the Pesantren al-Mukmin in Solo and met with Ustaz Bashir himself. The following is a transcript of the interview (done in Bahasa Indonesia) with Bashir where he talks about the current state of ASEAN, the political conflict in the Arab world, American influence in Southeast Asia and the struggle of Muslims in Indonesia.

FN. We have just returned from a demonstration where you and the students of Ngruki were present along with members of the Majlis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Front Pemuda Islam Solo (FPIS), Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) and others. When you spoke to the crowd you focused mainly on the current conflict in Lebanon and the aggression of the Israelis. You also criticised the weakness of the Muslim leaders of the world. Why has it come to this? Recently there was the OIC meeting in Kuala Lumpur and the statement they came up with was lame and non-conclusive; why are Muslim governments so scared to speak up and call for united action?

ABB: This is to be expected from them (Muslim leaders). What else can they do? What else can they say? There is not a single Muslim leader today who has the courage and commitment to defend Islam and Muslims, they are all in awe of the United States and other Western powers, and are indebted to them. This is what we call ‘Wahn’; "penyakit cinta dunia, takut mati". Our Prophet warned that this would be the case in the future, that the Muslim ummat would be great in numbers, but weak in spirit - until they are trampled upon again and again.

The Arab leaders and other Muslim leaders in Asia all suffer from this disease called ‘wahn’, this weakness brought about by wealth and privilege, and thus they have become soft. That is why they cannot stand up to the kafirs and they cannot be firm in their statements and policies. Their love for the world and all things wordly (duniawi) means that they only think of themselves. Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered, but they only make calculations for their own benefit.

This is why I have always said that it would be better if Muslims were poor. Oil wealth has been a curse on us, made us weak and docile. Look at the Afghans, during the time of the Soviet invasion. They were among the poorest Muslims in the world, yet they were sustained by their faith in God, and God alone.

Muslims must believe that all power, success and victory comes from God alone.("Hanya Allah Maha Esa yang menentukannya".)

If God wills it, they will win - no matter what the odds may be. The Prophet defeated the enemies of Islam even when he and his followers were small in number. Why? Because they had the ultimate power, God, on their side. This is the real superpower. The Afghans did not have sophisticated weapons like the Soviets did, but with their faith they defeated a superpower. That is when the kafirs feared us Muslims, when we had discipline and faith, when we were strong in our hearts and not weak in our stomachs.

This jihad spirit (semangat berjihad) is not in the OIC now. Show me an OIC leader who can talk about jihad. Not even the leaders of Malaysia or Indonesia have this, so how can we do anything? Your leader Badawi is weak (Badawi itu luwes, lemah orangnya.)

The only Muslim leader who has some spirit left is your former leader Mahathir Mohamad, who called for a boycott of US and other Western currencies. He was right, when he said that Muslim countries should abandon the US Dollar and trade with their own currencies instead. Why should we use the Dollar even when we trade among ourselves? Even though Mahathir did not openly call for jihad, at least he said something. This was the least we could have done. ("Sekurang-kurangnya kita bisa lakukan begitu, memboikotkan matawang Amerika itu".)

But the leaders of the OIC could not even accept Mahathir's proposal, yet they talk about respect and honour. What honour have we got left, when nobody is listening to us?

FN: Some would argue that this weakness stems from the fear of being seen as being 'too radical'. I have problems with this concept, for I believe that being a radical is not necessarily a bad thing. After all Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyata, Ghandhi, Nehru, were all radicals in their time; and they did not compromise in their opposition to colonialism, imperialism, racism and apartheid. So why cant we be radicals now?

ABB: You are right, but the weakness does not come from the millions of Muslims in the world. They do not mind being radical, they have no fear to speak out and to protest and to jihad. But the weakness comes from these Westernised co-opted Muslim leaders who just want to look good in the eyes of the West and Western media. They are scared that the BBC or CNN may call them radicals, so they remain soft instead.

The problem lies there, with the Muslim leaders, not the Muslim masses. The Muslim leaders swallow the advice of the Western powers and bodies like the IMF and World Bank, even when it is bad for their countries and they know this. They are the real hypocrites (munafikin) and traitors to Islam and Muslims. Yet as you say we should not accept the idea that being a radical is a bad thing. Any movement for change will be radical. Our Prophet was a radical too- he fought against the injustices of his community and challenged the feudal order of his society, so they called him a radical. So what? We should be proud of that! ("Kita harus bangga dengan 'radikal' itu!".)

We should be proud that our Prophet came into the world with the message of Islam to change it for the better, and not for the worse, or to keep things as they are. What use is revelation or religion if it doesnt change anything?

Today the Western powers and media want to domesticate us like sheep, to keep us tame and domesticated. But why are animals domesticated? So that they can be slaughtered in the end! (Binatang itu dijinak-jinaki supaya disembelihkan nanti!)

That is why they use the label 'radical' in the way they do, to keep us scared and to keep us under control. This is true for our leaders, who have all been domesticated and trained to speak the way their Western bosses want them to.

FN: So where do we get our role models then?

ABB: The only model to follow is pure Islam ("Islam yang murni"). Because Islam in its original form was tough and hard ("tegas dan keras"), not weak and pliable. Islam is fixed, stable, ordered and disciplined, and so are Muslims.

If we return to the real practice of true Islam we would be much stronger and that is when the kafirs will fear us. That is why we need to uphold the Shariah and return to real Islam. But the West is trying to weaken Islam from outside and inside. They attack our people and invade our countries from outside, and they weaken us from within with ideas like secularism, liberalism and democracy. This is all designed to contaminate our pure Islam.

Why do we Muslims have to learn from them? Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or changed. We have shown that Islam can rule the world perfectly for fourteen centuries, and during this time of Muslim power we did not borrow ideas like democracy from others, so why do we need to learn democracy from them now? As long as Muslims were confident (in the past) they could not be defeated, but now we are just puppets ("boneka semuanya").

This is why we are calling for the upholding of the Shariah here in Indonesia. We demand an Islamic state, and not some form of Islamisation of society. We want the state to be Islamic, with Islamic leaders who have the courage and will to implement the Shariah in total. There is no other way. ("Nggak ada jalanan yang lain".)

FN. Can you elaborate a little more on that? What do you mean by ‘enforcing Shariah with determination?’

ABB. Islam’s laws are fixed and that is why Islam is stable. Laws are to be enforced justly (“dengan adil”) but firmly, with an iron hand (“dengan tangan besi”). This is the case anywhere, even in a family.

Look at my own case: I am the father in my family. It is my duty to enforce the Shariah in my family and I do so with an iron hand. If my children do not behave according to Islam, if they do not pray for instance, I will punish them. Likewise the leader of any state has to do the same, he has to enforce Shariah firmly, for he will be held in account later in the afterlife if he fails. If his society breaks Islamic law, who is responsible? Is it not the leader, who has failed to enforce the laws of God? Here in Indonesia we have such laws but they are never enforced, that makes a mockery of Islam and Shariah.

So we want an Islamic state where Islamic law is not just in the books but enforced, and enforced with determination. There is no space and no room for democratic consultation. The Shariah is set and fixed, so why do we need to discuss it anymore? Just implement it! ("Shariat itu bukankah sudah lengkap dan komplit? Ngapa mahu berdiskusi lagi? Implimentasikan saja!")

Right now we are drafting our own constitutional ammendents for Indonesia, the framework for an Indonesian Islamic state where Islamic laws are enforced. Indonesians must understand that there is no Islamic state without the enforcement of Islamic laws. Otherwise it is just talk and nothing else.

FN. What about the Muslim leadership here in Southeast Asia? Earlier you criticised the leaders of Indonesia and Malaysia. How have they failed in your eyes?

ABB. Indonesia is in a mess as you can see. We are a very rich country, with plenty of resources and good people who want to live decent lives, but look at how corruption has destroyed our country. We should be a rich country but successive Indonesian leaders have left us weak and dependent on external aid. We are busy paying off loans when we should be giving loans instead! And our leaders during the Orde Baru (of Suharto) were secular, pro-American and entirely corrupted by global capitalist forces.

As for Malaysia, you may be economically better off but your leaders are weak. Badawi may come from a family of ulama but his faith is weak and so is his spirit. ("Imannya nggak kuat, walaupun dari keluarga ulama tapi jiwanya kerdil.") How can Malaysia sign a free trade agreement with America and Japan? Are these not kafir countries? And America today is an enemy of Muslim states and the supporter of Israel. In Islam that makes America a kafir harbi (enemy) state, and we Muslims are obliged to cut off all ties, diplomatic and economic with such an enemy state.

Anwar (Ibrahim) is also someone who does not understand Islam well. ("Dia kurang mengerti agama"). How can he talk about dialogue with America and the West? What dialogue? With murderers of Muslims? Anwar is mistaken ("salah pendapat") about his views on Westerners and Jews. The Jews are cunning and cannot be trusted, as it states in the Qur'an. At the moment the United States is just being the donkey for Israel, who is riding the USA.

How can we dialogue for peace in the Arab world as long as Israel exists? Israel cannot dream of having peaceful borders because Israel has no right to exist, no right to be there. That is the land of Palestine, for the Palestinians. How can any Muslim leader say that Israel has the right to safe borders? It should not be there in the first place!

FN. Is there no way to engage in dialogue then?

ABB. In Islam there is only one way, the Islamic way. Dialogue with the kafirs is useless unless we Muslims are already living in Islamic states and not secular democracies. When you want dialogue with Muslims, Muslims need to be in power in their own countries first, on their terms.
If the (Muslim) government does not impose Shariah, it has to be replaced. As long as the government does not go against Islam, we can still tolerate it. But once it goes against Shariah, we must oppose it.

When our governments engage with enemy kafir states, is that not going against Islamic principles? When you dialogue with countries that are anti-Islam and kill Muslims, how can you call yourself an Islamic state?

It is the duty ("harus dan wajib") for Muslims to oppose their governments when their leaders dialogue with our enemies. It says so in the Quran (Surah 60:9), that those who oppose Islam are our enemies and we must fight against them.

So before we dialogue with kafirs, we need to go on jihad against our own hypocrite governments first that are apostates (murtad) and against Islamic principles.

FN. So what kind of Muslim leadership are you talking about? What kind of Muslim leader do you want to see?

ABB: All the answers are in Islam. As the scholar Ibn Taymiyyah has argued in his work Kitab Fatawa, Islam is in two parts: the Quran and the Sword. ("Ibnu Taimiyyah sudah bilangkan Islam itu asasnya dua: Quran dan Pedang").

The Quran has all the guidelines, rules, norms, laws and punishments we need. The enforcement of the Shariah is the sword (pedang) we are talking about. Without enforcement of the Shariah the Quran is just words in a book. It is a text with no practical meaning. That is why the message has to be implemented and realised with determination.

Look at the sunnah (practice) of the Prophet. When he gave his speeches and surmons he had a spear (tombak) in his hand. Why? This was the symbol of power. His followers knew he was serious, and not simply giving empty talk. He meant what he said and he did what he said he would do.

Sadly over the centuries Islam grew weak and we forgot that the Prophet carried a spear when he spoke. The spear was replaced with a staff (tongkat) instead, as if Muslims were weak and needed a walking-stick to stand up! We need to go back to this original, strong, robust Islam. Like the Prophet we need to carry the spear (tombak) again. If the Prophet carried a spear, then for us today we can carry an M-16!

FN. Or even a Kalashnikov?

ABB. "Kalau nggak adanya M-16, maka Kalashnikov pun bisa dipakei..." Muslim leaders today have fallen short of the Prophet's example. They mouth empty pious phrases about how they yearn for an Islamic state, but they dont have the guts or will to do it.

There is not a single Islamic state in the world, not even in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are hypocrites and friends of the United States; their leaders are all corrupt and worldly.
The closest we ever got to an Islamic state was the Taliban government in Afghanistan, but the Americans destroyed that, with their Western allies.

FN. But the Saudis claim that they are the defenders of the holy sites of Islam and Muslims. What is more they are the promoters of Wahabism. How do you reconcile that?

ABB. Wahabism is just a school of thought. The Saudi regime used the Wahabis for their own political ends, to justify their rule and to control their people. Occasionally they may implement one or two Wahabi ideas, but then again only for cosmetic reasons. They impose laws on dress and public behavior, but what about the moral obligation to jihad against the enemies of Islam? How can you promote Wahabism when you remain a close ally of the United States, the supporter of Israel?

The Wahabis in turn are just conservatives with no agenda for social transformation. Look at what they did to Islamist movements like the Ikwan'ul Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) of Egypt: They condemned the Ikwan as revolutionaries and radicals, just like the Western media!

FN. This tendency of Muslim groups to condemn each other has always been a problem since the beginning of the Muslim community. Why is this? How come Muslims cannot stop attacking each other?

ABB. They have left the path of true Islam, that is why they are divided into so many sects and streams of thought. But the hadith tells us of how a follower of the Prophet once asked him: "What will be the future of the ummat?". The Prophet predicted: "In the future you will be great in numbers, but you will be small and weak, like froth, bubbles, floating". The follower was shocked when he heard this, but the Prophet insisted that that would be so, because the Muslims will be divided and leaderless.

Muslims need to realise what it means to be an Ummat. The Ummat is one family. ("Ummat itu satu keluarga sebenarnya"), and every Muslim is your brother. It doesnt matter what the colour, race, or country the other Muslim is from, he is still your brother, you must support him and help him when he needs your help.

But the opposite is also true- Those who are kafirs are not your family (keluarga). Even if your own parents are not Muslims, they are not your family (keluarga). They are kafirs, outside Islam. You need not think of them as members of the Ummat.

When we forget our ummat, then we become weak and divided. All our divisions come from the West, from Western ideas like nationalism and from their ideologies like democracy and secularism.

FN. If it is unity that you wish to see, then surely someone has to lead this community. Who, then, has the right to speak about Islam and on behalf of Muslims?

ABB. Those who speak for Islam and Muslims can only be the ones whose ideas come solely from the Quran and Hadith. Not the liberals, who try to use reason and rationality to interpret the Quran. This has become fashionable now, but it is against Islam and is not allowed.

How can the Quran be interpreted rationally? These intellectuals and liberals want to interpet the Quran according to circumstances, whereas it is the circumstances that have to be adapted to the Quran. ("Quran bukan diinterpretasikan mengikut keadaan, walhal keadaannya yang mesti diadaptasikan kepada Quran".)

It is clear that the Quran is not to be discussed by those who do not follow the rules that are set. There is no democracy in Islam, so do not try to interpret the Quran and turn Islam into a democracy to suit your needs. God's law comes first ("Hukum Tuhan yang dahulu".) It is not up to the will of the people to decide what is right and how to live. Rather the will of the people have to be bent to suit the will of God. It is not democracy that we want, but Allah-cracy! ("Bukan demokrasi yang kita mahukan, tapi hanya Allah-krasi yang kita mahu lihat!")

The principles of Islam cannot be altered and and there is no democracy in Islam or nonsense like 'democratic Islam'. ("Islam demokratis itu semua non-sense sahaja!")

Democracy is shirik (unbelief) and haram. Here we do not compromise. Those who claim to be Muslims and do not support Shariah one hundred per cent are all munafik and kafirs, they are out of Islam. No need to discuss with these people, they are not part of the ummat anymore. ("Murtadnya semua".) There is no need to listen to public opinion: kafirs, apostates, liberals, atheists - they are all non-believers.

FN. But how can this attitude this lead to social and political change? Here you and your followers in groups like the Majlis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), Front Pemuda Islam Solo (FPIS), etc are calling for an Islamic state, with a legal constitution based on the Shariah. But how will you achieve this in the context of Indonesia today which remains a constitutional democracy?

ABB. Islam's victory can only come through dawah and jihad, not elections. Thats why Islamic parties are on the wrong path, even the better ones like the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) here (in Indonesia) and your PAS (in Malaysia). As long as democracy is their chosen path, the end result is haram. Nothing good can come from that which is haram, is that not the case? So if democracy is haram, then what kind of Islamic state can come from that? Certainly not a pure Islamic state. Elections are quite useless.

The struggle for Islam can only come through crisis and confrontation. Islam is here to change the world, not to be changed by the world. So there is bound to be resistance, that is why the West fears us.

If we accept Western norms like democracy then we can never reach the Allah-cracy I mentioned earlier. Democracy must be replaced by Allah-cracy and this cannot come from elections.

Those who oppose us must be educated, that is why dawah is important, to show them that Islam is the only way. But if they still resist, and are wilfully stubborn, or if they create obstacles for us, then they must be opposed. In particular all the Muslims who oppose us are apostates (murtad) and they in particular need to be dealt with firmly. We need not care for them, or feel sorry for them. They were the ones who chose to reject Shariah, to reject Islam, and so they chose to become apostates.

FN. And you are convinced that this jihad for Shariah will solve all our problems? Will it solve the economic and political problems of Muslim countries like Indonesia for instance?

ABB. It is the first step and the right step. Economic problems, political problems, all other problems - these can only be solved when we have a firm and committed leadership that is committed to upholding and enforcing the Shariah without fear.

Look at our region now: Muslims are being killed in Patani (Southern Thailand) and Mindanao (Southern Philippines). But what do the weak leaders of Malaysia and Indonesia do? Have they actually done anything, apart from reading speeches and singing documents of peace? Muslims are dying, not in Lebanon but right here, right in front of us. These are our brothers, our neighbours. But the governments (of Malaysia and Indonesia) cannot do a single thing. This is what I mean by the disease of corruption and wealth earlier. They are weak, cowardly leaders.
That is why we need to go back to original, pure Islam, and to follow our Prophet's example. The kafirs never tried to fool around with our Prophet, they knew he was serious and determined. Yet he was fair and just, and even when he had defeated the kafirs in battles and in Medinah and Mecca, he forgave them. Forgiveness does not mean weakness, but strength. But you need to be strong first, like our Prophet was. He was strong but not arrogant. Muslim leaders today need to be strong like that, and take a firm stand on issues.

FN. And this sums up your vision of Jihad today? Is this the sum of your own approach to Islam and the problems affecting Muslims?

ABB. This is the Islamic view of things. We must never compromise, relent, give up, submit to our kafir enemies. We must always keep to the Islamic path, jihad in the name of Shariah, and never be apologetic.

So I agree that we must never be apologetic about being called 'radicals' today. Even during the time of the Prophet his enemies called him a madman! So being called a 'radical' is not as bad! (laughs) ("Rasul kita dituduh gila orangnya, jadi dipanggil 'radikal' itu ringan sahaja bukan?") We should not apologise for this, or compromise in our jihad. Today they call us ‘radicals’, tomorrow they will call us something else. These obstacles will always be there, because the kafirs fear us when we get stronger…

Remember that jihad is what brought Islam to power and built our community. There can be no Islam without jihad. Why, even if you want to build a Capitalist or Communist state you need to have a jihad; a jihad for capitalism or a jihad for communism. So why cant Muslims engage in a jihad for Islam and Shariah?

Kuliatul Mualimin al-Islamiyyah (KMI)
Pesantren al-Mukmin Ngruki
11-12 August 2006

Welcome Home Loan: Govt measures just add fuel to the fire.

Reading the Welcome Home Loan scheme, one would wonder if this Labour Govt monetary approach to resource inequality is stupid or just plain stupid.
The rising house price in NZ for the past few years can be attributed to simple inequation of supply and demand. There is simply too high demand for housing, attributed to high immigration, high employment and whatever else. The NZ population is growing for the past few years, but the investment in housing has been sluggish at most times.
This sluggishness can be attributed to high interest rates in the past, (Reserve Bank has been trying to control inflation) too many red tapes in approval of new housing lands.
Monetary measures like this make encourage people who previously could not afford house interested in buying one. This will increase demand for housing at the bottom prices. But given the scarcity of housing, house price would simply move up. Its true that rising house prices would encourage the building of new housing by developers. But it normally takes 18 month to 2 years for a new house to be built from planning to completion.
Instead I would have prefer fiscal approach to help people on the low income to afford housing. Government should acquire land and build to sell houses using one of its agencies to provide people on the low incomes. Give chance to Housing New Zealand tenants to own their house by selling it to them, then use the money to build more housing. Yes by all means, government agency get involved in the housing market. There is nothing wrong with that, because the duty of government is to reduce inequities and inequality, not letting it be.
This article from Sunday Times.

Time for some bitter home truths


An initiative to get more people on the housing ladder may not be enough. Greg Ninness surveys the options for the wannabe home-owner.

House-hunters will be able to take out bigger mortgages without paying a deposit under changes to the government's Welcome Home Loan scheme, expected to be announced today.

But the maximum amount they can borrow under the scheme is likely to remain at $280,000, meaning few home-buyers in Auckland are likely to benefit from the changes.

The Sunday Star-Times understands the changes were approved by Cabinet last week and will be announced by Housing Minister Chris Carter, as concerns rise about housing affordability.

The Welcome Home Loan scheme was set up last year and allows first-home buyers to borrow up to $150,000 without paying a deposit or up to $280,000 with a deposit of 5%. The mortgages are provided by banks, but the scheme is underwritten by the government.

However, soaring house prices have meant the lending limits were too low to be of use to most buyers, and only about 1800 have used the scheme; the government had hoped for 5000 a year.

It is understood that today's announcement will increase the amount that can be borrowed without a deposit and reduce the amount of deposit required on higher loans up to the existing $280,000 limit.

However, while the changes will enable more people to borrow up to 100% of a home's purchase price at normal mortgage interest rates, they will still need to be able to afford the repayments. It may get some people into their first home a little quicker, but it does not address the underlying problem of declining affordability. Figures released last week by Quotable Value show that while the growth in house prices has slowed, they are still going up. And it appears unlikely that they will start to come down soon.

If that situation persists there could be fundamental changes to the way the housing market operates.

One possibility is that more new housing will be sold on a leasehold basis, where a developer or investor owns the land but sells the dwelling that sits on it. The buyer owns a leasehold title and pays the landowner ground rent, usually a fixed percentage of the land's value, reviewed every six or seven years. As the value of the land rises, so does the ground rent.

This reduces the initial purchase price, but means the home owner pays more in the long term as the ground rent rises. It also significantly reduces the opportunity for the homeowner to make capital gains.

Several terrace housing and apartment developments in central Auckland have been sold on a leasehold basis over the past few years and the huge Albany City project about to get underway on the North Shore will also be a leasehold development.

Such titles are not without their critics. Martin Dunn, a director of central Auckland real estate agency City Sales believes many people who have bought residential properties on leasehold titles have paid too much.

When the leases come up for review owners are likely to be hit with huge ground rent increases, potentially forcing down the resale value, says Dunn.

He believes there needs to be a bigger discount for buying a property on a leasehold title compared to freehold, as is generally the case overseas.

The government is also considering introducing equity share home ownership schemes to help low income earners buy their first home.

Equity share schemes are common in the UK and in their simplest form function as an interest-free loan.

They work like this: Say a property had a price of $300,000 but a family could only afford the repayments on a $200,000 mortgage. The bank would advance the full $300,000, but only require repayments on $200,000 of the loan. To offset the other $100,000, it would take a one-third stake in the property.

When the property was resold, the bank would recoup its money and get a one-third share of any capital gains. Or the homeowner could refinance when their circumstances improved and buy out the bank's share.

The government is looking at such schemes in the UK, and Kiwibank chief executive Sam Knowles says officials have talked to him about it. "We haven't seen the detail," he says.

"Terror Plot Over Atlantic" is a Bush-Blair Plot

Honestly, I do not buy the Bush-Blair announcement, nor the MI5 announcement that there was a plot to bomb up to 10 airlines over the Atlantic.
This article from Al-Jazeera says it all.
All sound like crap, a plot by Blair and Bush to justify and support Israeli murder and genocide in Lebanon.

Can Bush-Blair duet be trusted?
8/19/2006 12:10:00 PM GMT

(Reuters Photo) - Photo Anti-war protesters wear masks of Bush and Blair

So we’re supposed to believe that the British authorities foiled a terror attack, a catastrophe on the scale of September 11 attacks that hit the United States in 2001.

Exposing last week’s “terror plot” aimed at exploding aircraft leaving from Great Britain, bound for the United States, has been hailed by the majority of Western powers as a success. It confirmed the West’s committed to what many experts have explained as “the crusade against Islamist terrorism", according to an editorial on Tunis Hebdo.

Skepticism started growing shortly after news broke shocking the world about allegations of a Transatlantic “terror plot” which the police allege involved young males who have just converted to Islam, that this may yet again blow up in the faces of M16 as another false alarm!

Some analysts say that this was the British Prime Minister’s cheap way to deal with domestic pressure and the problem of unpopular support for his government’s backing of Israel’s unjustified aggression in the Lebanese territories that resulted in the death of over 1,400 innocent civilians, including hundreds of children.

This theory could be logical especially if we bear in mind the fact that Blair’s government had been facing growing pressure by the British people, urging it to intervene to stop the Israeli massacres in Lebanon during the conflict’s first few days.

But Blair chose to side with the Israelis, following the footsteps of the American President George W. Bush, allowing the carnage and plunder by Olmert’s military to continue unabated.

Many of the young British-born citizens, most of foreign ancestry who had been arrested by the British authorities in the wake of the foiled terror attack, had no criminal records, and the investigation’s initial results showed that those who were planning to carry out the attack used highly-noxious liquid explosives hidden in their hand luggage.

Now the British Muslims must face another hyped-up siege by Tony Blair’s paranoid security and intelligence agents.

But beyond the biased media reports that followed the event, which didn't fail to resuscitate the obsession with terrorism and the destruction that goes with it, the foiled attack and the developments that followed it raise a number of questions.

The event in the UK took place when the fighting between the Israelis on one hand and the Lebanese and the Palestinians on the other hand was almost at its peak. The Lebanese and the Palestinian population were being subject to the Israelis’ merciless and brutal aggression with the blessing of Bush and Blair's governments- are we supposed to believe that this was mere coincidence, the editorial asked.

British Muslims see the whole incident as a subtle attempt to distract the world attention and thus opinion from the genocide taking place in the Middle East at the hand of Israel and with the consent of the Bush and Blair’s governments.

How can one believe that at a time when Great Britain maintains its highest-possible terrorist alert, followed by a number of other capital cities, the White-House chief and the boss of 10 Downing Street have not even considered cutting their vacations?

Let's suppose that the foiled plot was the work of Muslim youths, or "Islamo Fascists," as described by the U.S. “wise” President, wouldn’t that be the expected outcome of sowing the seeds of hatred among Arabic-Muslim youth?

The U.S. President and Blair's blind "follow-my-leader" attitude, are creating terrorists instead of fighting them.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Dear Prime Minister

This article from Malaysia Today.
In my opinion, Mahathir succeeded in demolishing Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Mr Clean reputation, and not just Khairy become liability to Umno, but Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is. Umno has to ditch AAB in the next Umno election.
No please dont put forward Mahathir's proxy either.
Lets ditch BN and vote for Opposition.

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Read my lips! Kamal DID NOT get any Malaysian government jobs

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Excerpts of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s TV3 interview with Bernama chairman Datuk Annuar Zaini the night of Monday, 7 August 2006.

22. Q: You are known as Mr Clean and Mr Nice Guy. Sometimes that intention is disrupted because of business interests. Besides KJ (Khairy), your son Kamaluddin is also in business and has he misused or taken advantage of his relationship with you to excel in his business?

A: Kamal has never used his relationship with me to advance in business. His business is in a field which only has two companies in the world. Of the two integrated oil companies, one is in the US and the other is his. He is not involved in many other companies and he operates overseas. Sometimes people ask why is he overseas. He tells them that since his father has become the Prime Minister, it is difficult for him to make a living here. That is why he opted to do it overseas. Eighty percent of his contracts are from overseas and that is where he gets his rezeki (livelihood). Petronas usually participates in international open tenders. Any tenders he gets is too small compared to what he gets overseas and he also has to compete for the tenders with other companies. He usually gets tenders from companies like Shell and Esso because it is related with oil and gas. He has never asked for help from the Government. There is also no bail out. None.

23.Q: In your capacity as the Finance Minister, has his company obtained government tenders?

A: No, not at all. To my knowledge, he has not received any. He does not manage the business and is only the major shareholder and had made a move to buy a Singapore company with 188 ships to transport coal.

24. Q: Some say that the Penang monorail is reserved for Kamal. Is that true?

A: Siapa cakap? (Who said so?) I tell you, it is hard to be nice.

Open letter to PM on Scomi

Sulaiman Rejab
Malaysiakini, 15 August 2006, 06 3:49pm

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

I used to refer to you as ‘Pak Lah’ but I don't think I want to do that anymore because I think you lost all your endearing qualities the moment you took over as prime minister. My friends and I (all of whom wish that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was still our prime minister) deliberately didn't want watch you on the ‘Bersemuka dengan Perdana Menteri’ programme over TV3 last week.

But I almost jumped out of my skin the next day when I read all about it in the newspapers, especially the part about you claiming that your son Kamaluddin had to seek business opportunities overseas because he couldn't get projects here in Malaysia.

Well, explain these Mr Prime Minister:

In March, The Malay Mail reported that KTM had in 2005 awarded a five-year RM50 million contract to Scomi Group ‘to overhaul and maintain’ as many as 1,000 wagons.

Also in March, Business Times reported that Scomi Group was going to submit a bid for a RM120 million contract ‘to make body parts for about 400 buses for state-owned Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd’.

Then in April, The Edge reported that Scomi Engineering Bhd is acquiring a 51% stake in MTrans Transportation Systems Sdn Bhd for RM30 million to provide it a platform to be a key player in urban transportation.

Scomi Engineering had on April 28 signed an agreement with Kiara Kilau Sdn Bhd, which owns 100% stake in MTrans, to acquire the 51% stake. MTrans owns bus manufacturer MTRans Bus Sdn Bhd and MTRans Technology Bhd, which specialises in monorail systems and technology. This is, of course, for the Penang monorail project.

So the five-time hike in petroleum prices over the last year on the pretext of improving public transportation is certainly benefitting some parties - your son's Scomi Engineering, to be specific.

What have you done to improve the public transportation in Kuala Lumpur since then? The LRT is still madly congested and the city buses are still breaking down in the middle of already congested roads.

Recently, Scomi Marine Bhd received a letter of intent from TNB Fuel Services Sdn Bhd for a coal shipment contract for three years from Oct 1, with an option to extend for another two years, the company said. Scomi Marine announced to Bursa Malaysia on April 14 that under the contract, it would be required to transport 500,000 tonnes (with 20% variation) of coal from Australia, Indonesia and South Africa yearly.

It said TNB Fuel Services would determine the actual quantity of coal to be transported and from which country upon finalisation of the contract, The Edge reported.

Also recently, Scomi Group Bhd, an oil services company, won a contract from Petronas Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd to provide drilling fluids and other services for exploration works in Block 1, offshore Turkmenistan.

In a statement issued by Scomi which was published by Business Times, Scomi said the contract would contribute about RM57 million a year to its coffers.

With all these projects, and more to come under your brilliantly devised Ninth Malaysia Plan, why does Kamaluddin have to go overseas to secure projects? Well, I know that Turkmenistan is in central Asia, but the contract was secured here in Kuala Lumpur from Petronas.

All these reek of a scandal in you humble abode, don't you think, Mr Prime Minister?


After 1 November 2003

Scomi to list KMC-Oiltools in Singapore
By Doreen Leong & Surin Murugiah
The Edge, 9 August 2006

Scomi Group Bhd has proposed to list its drilling fluids and drilling waste management unit, KMC-Oiltools Bermuda Ltd (KMCOB), on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Ltd by the first quarter of 2007 to fund its international expansion and facilitate a refinancing exercise of its borrowings.

In a move to unlock its investment value in KMCOB, the oil and gas group announced on Aug 9 that it would list 30% of its stake in the restructured unit that was expected to raise some RM600 million for Scomi.

The listing exercise of KMCOB will be through Scomi Oilfields Ltd after an internal restructuring that will also involve certain of Scomi's subsidiaries in the oilfields services division.

Scomi president and chief executive officer Shah Hakim Zain said the restructuring would involve the issue of a RM630 million conventional Syariah-compliant bond that is expected to be completed by October, with the proceeds raised to refinance the borrowings and existing bonds of Scomi besides funding KMCOB’s future expansion plans.

Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Shah Hakim said the exercise would allow Scomi to invest in new businesses such as the gas separation business and pare down debts to improve gearing.

At the group level, he said net gearing would be reduced to 0.63 times from the current 1.51 times.

“The proposed listed entity will not be subjected to exchange rate fluctuations, since its transactions are US dollar denominated. What we are doing today is essentially raising money overseas but eventually bringing the money back to the country,” he said.

Shah Hakim said the listing exercise would include a global offering of the shares and it would be a combination of new and existing shares offered for subscription and sale.

He added that the listing was expected to reduce KMCOB’s reliance on Scomi and raise its profile in the global oil and gas industry, as well as strengthen its position in securing tenders and other business opportunities.

Shah Hakim said under the unit's five-year plan, KMCOB was to hit a US$1 billion (RM3.66 billion) revenue by 2010 as it grows its markets in North America, Russia, North Africa, Caspian Seas and Iran. He said KMCOB has targeted a US$300 million revenue this year.

On the proposed Penang monorail, Shah Hakim said Scomi had submitted its bid to supply the train to a consortium led by Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd.

Scomi Marine gets coal shipment contract worth RM49.12m yearly
By Kevin Tan
The Edge, 6 July 2006

Scomi Marine Bhd has won a contract from TNB Fuel Services Sdn Bhd to transport coal from Australia, Indonesia, China and South Africa worth RM49.12 million per annum for the next three years. TNB Fuel has the option to extend the contract for another two years.

In a statement on July 6, Scomi Marine said the contract would commence from Oct 1 and expire on Sept 30, 2009. Under the contract, the company was required to transport 500,000 tonnes of coal per year for TN Fuel, subject to 20% variation at TNB Fuel's discretion.

Scomi Marine is also required to provide a performance bond of RM2.46 million, being about 5% of the maximum value of coal to be transported in a year.

Scomi Marine set for a coal lift
The Star, 27 June 2006

Scomi Marine Bhd's increase in coal-carrying capacity by 76% in Indonesia should translate into an equivalent earnings contribution in the coming quarters, barring unforeseen circumstances, said chief financial officer Loong Chun Nee.

She was referring to Scomi Marine taking delivery of 13 new vessels that serve its Indonesian operations along the Barito River in Southern Kalimantan.

The vessels, consisting mainly of tugs and barges, would support its client, PT Adaro Indonesia, which had increased its coal production from 2.5 million tonnes to 3 million tonnes per month, Loong said after the company AGM yesterday.

Scomi Marine was also expecting the delivery of a further three similar 12,000-deadweight tonnes vessels in the next few months. The company currently operates in excess of 150 vessels, including those registered to subsidiaries PT Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk and CH Offshore Ltd.

On the company's deal to transport 500,000 tonnes of coal to Tenaga Nasional Bhd's (TNB) Tanjung Bin power plant in Johor, Loong said it was expecting to receive a finalised contract in the next few weeks to replace the current letter of intent received in April from TNB.

The transportation of coal was scheduled to start in September, she said. Meanwhile, Scomi Marine's sister company, Scomi Engineering Bhd, is looking at diversifying its revenue stream, which is currently predominantly from the oil and gas sector.

The company was looking to have a 50:50 ratio from oil and gas versus logistics engineering, senior vice-president Hilmy Zaini Zainal said after the company AGM yesterday.

“That is why we are expanding our transportation and logistics engineering division. Hopefully, in the next two to three years when the (logistics) projects materialise, the contributions from the divisions will balance out at roughly half-half,” he said.

On the Penang monorail project, Hilmy said the company would be submitting a final bid in the next few weeks, having already put in a preliminary bid.

Scomi Engineering's proposed acquisition of 51% stake in MTrans Transportation Systems Sdn Bhd, if approved, would mean that MTrans would “play an important role in any bid we make for any transportation and logistics projects,” said Hilmy.

The technical, financial and legal due diligence for the acquisition had already been completed and was only awaiting approvals from the various authorities, he said.

MTrans, through wholly-owned subsidiary MTrans Technology Sdn Bhd, designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned 12 monorail train sets of two-car vehicles and all related systems and equipment for KL Monorail in 2003.

At present, MTrans, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kiara Kilau Sdn Bhd, is reportedly a special-purpose vehicle of MTrans Holdings Sdn Bhd executive chairman David Chew Kiat Choon.

MTrans Holdings is the parent company of KL Infrastructure Group Bhd that built the 65km Kuala Lumpur Monorail.

Scomi Marine expects 76% increase in revenue, profits
By Kevin Tan
The Edge, 26 June 2006

Scomi Marine Bhd expect a 76% increase in revenue and net profit in financial year ending Dec 31, 2006, after boosting fleet size and capacity to transport coal, its chief financial officer Loong Chun Nee said.

“Theoretically, the 76% increase in capacity will lead to a 76% increase in revenue,” she said after the AGM in Kuala Lumpur on June 26. She added net profit would also increase by the same percentage, unless margins were affected by higher oil prices.

Scomi Marine was expanding its fleet to cope with the requirements of its main customer -- Indonesian mining company PT Adaro – which had increased its annual coal output to 36 million tonnes recently from 27 million tonnes last year.

Loong said last year, the company ordered 16 new tugs and barges, costing RM179 million, which would increase its fleet size to 159 vessels. Out of this, 91 would be tugboats and barges.

So far, 13 news tugboats and barges have been delivered and another three vessels would be delivered this year, Loong said.

She said these new vessels’ capacity was up to 12,000 deadweight tonnes (dwt) each compared with the older vessels of between 4,000dwt and 8,000dwt each. The new vessels would be mainly used to transport coal along rivers in Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Loong added the company was looking for more business in Malaysia and had secured a letter of intent to transport coal of 500,000dwt of coal a year for Tenaga Nasional Bhd from Indonesia, Australia and South Africa.

The quantum to be paid to Scomi had yet to be finalised as it would depend on the location from which the coal would be transported. It would charter one or two Panamax vessels for this purpose, she added.

Scomi Engineering to submit proposal on Penang monorail
By Kevin Tan
The Edge, 26 June 2006

Scomi Engineering Bhd will submit a final proposal to the government to bid for the Penang monorail project within the next two weeks, its senior vice president Hilmy Zaini said.

"We have submitted a preliminary proposal. We have to work on the financing and other details," he told reporters after the company's AGM in Kuala Lumpur on June 26.

While there was no deadline for the submission of proposals, Scomi Engineering would submit its proposal "within the next week or so", Hilmy said.

To a question, he said the company also had not ruled out the possibility of working in a consortium with the Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure Group Bhd (KLIG) to jointly bid for the project.

"We are working with a few parties, but we cannot confirm who we are working with," Hilmy said when asked if Scomi Engineering was jointly bidding for the project with KLIG.

He added that the company had to work with other parties on a big project such as the Penang monorail project as its expertise was in the provision of monorail technology and fabrication of the monorail cars.

Scomi Engineering had last April proposed to acquire a 51% in MTrans Transportation Systems Sdn Bhd for RM30 million cash. MTrans specialises in manufacturing urban buses and monorail transportation system.

Hilmi said the company was expecting to receive approvals from the relevant authorities to proceed with the acquisition "anytime within the next two weeks." He reckoned that the acquisition would boost Scomi Engineering's chances of winning the monorail project.

The acquisition did not require shareholders' approval and the company had completed the due diligence in terms of the legal, technical and financial aspects of the proposed exercise, Hilmy said.

If the scale of the Penang monorail project was similar to the one in Kuala Lumpur, Scomi Engineering would get a 40% portion of the work, he said.

Melewar Industrial Group Bhd, with technical backing of Swiss and Russian partners, recently said it had submitted a RM1.6 billion bid to construct a 52km monorail in Penang.

Meanwhile, Scomi Marine Bhd expected a 76% rise in revenue and net profit in its financial year ending Dec 31, 2006, in tandem with the increase of its fleet size and capacity to transport coal, its chief financial officer Loong Chun Nee said.

“Theoretically, the 76% increase in capacity will lead to a 76% increase in revenue,” she told reporters after the company’s AGM in Kuala Lumpur on June 26.

Loong said it should also translate into same amount of increase in net profit, barring circumstances that affected the company’s margin such as further increase in oil prices.

Scomi acquires 51% of MTrans for RM30m
By Tamimi Omar
The Edge, 28 April 2006

Scomi Engineering Bhd is acquiring a 51% stake in MTrans Transportation Systems Sdn Bhd for RM30 million to provide it a platform to be a key player in urban transportation.

Scomi Engineering had on April 28 signed an agreement with Kiara Kilau Sdn Bhd, which owns 100% stake in MTrans, to acquire the 51% stake. MTrans owns bus manufacturer MTRans Bus Sdn Bhd and MTRans Technology Bhd, which specialises in monorail systems and technology.

Scomi Engineering senior vice president Hilmy Zaini said the strategic acquisition is in line with its focus on energy and logistics engineering.

“With its range of core competencies, MTrans will enhance Scomi Engineering’s capability in the fabrication, assembly and fittings of special-purpose vehicles, particularly buses,” he added.

Scomi Engineering is involved in the fabrication of special purpose vehicles such as petroleum tankers, ambulance, fire engine, defence vehicles.

The acquisition will enhance Scomi Engineering’s current logistics engineering capabilities by diversifying the range of products that Scomi Engineering would be able to offer.

MTrans owns a 22-acre factory in Rawang Industrial Zone. The facility will be an addition to Scomi Engineering’s current infrastructure in the logistics engineering business and increase Scomi Engineering’s overall manufacturing capacities.

“With its proven technology in cost-effective fuel emission systems, particularly in urban bus projects, MTrans has established a presence in Hong Kong and Bangladesh and is looking at other Asian and Middle Eastern markets,” Hilmy said.

He added that the acquisition of MTrans would enable Scomi Engineering to bid and secure urban bus projects anywhere in the world.

Scomi Marine gets Tenaga coal shipments job
The Edge, 14 April 2006

Scomi Marine Bhd has received a letter of intent from TNB Fuel Services Sdn Bhd for a coal shipment contract for three years from Oct 1, with an option to extend for another two years, the company said.

Scomi Marine told Bursa Malaysia on April 14 that under the contract, it would be required to transport 500,000 tonnes (with 20% variation) of coal from Australia, Indonesia and South Africa yearly.

It said TNB Fuel Services would determine the actual quantity of coal to be transported and from which country upon finalisation of the contract.

Scomi Marine is involved in the marine logistics business of the energy sector. It said the contract was in line with its plans to expand its coal transportation business, involving inter-country marine logistics services.

Scomi lands RM1.5b contracts
The Edge, 24 January 2006

Scomi Group Bhd's unit has secured contracts that are expected to generate some US$400 million (RM1.5 billion) in revenue through the provision of drilling fluids materials, equipment and services.

Its unit, Kota Minerals and Chemicals Sdn Bhd (KMC), had received the letters of awards from Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, Sarawak Shell Bhd, Sabah Shell Petroleum Co Ltd, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc and Nippon Oil Exploration (M) Ltd.

“Based on the number of wells indicated in the joint tender document, the company estimates the revenue to be generated from the contracts to be about US$400 million (RM1.5 billion),” it said in a statement on Jan 24.

KMC received the last letter of award on Jan 19, it said. The contracts were expected to be for four years with an option to the tender parties to extend for another two years, it added.

Scomi said KMC was finalising the terms and conditions of the contracts to be signed with the tender parties.

Scomi earnings surge 340%
The Edge, 25 February 2006

Scomi Group Bhd’s earnings surged 340% to RM61.50 million for the year ended Dec 31, 2004, with the oil and gas (O&G) division contributing 97% of the net profit. The previous year's net profit was RM14.02 million.

Announcing the results on Feb 25, the company said revenue jumped 263% to RM590.45 million, with the bulk from O&G, compared with RM162.47 million a year ago. Earnings per share was 6.95 sen.

“The O&G division had benefited from the increase in exploration, development and production activities in the oil and gas industry,” it said in a statement.

Scomi said the acquisition of a 77.7% interest in KMC Oiltools Bermuda Ltd (Oiltools) contributed positively to the revenue and profits.

“Although only two quarters of Oiltools’ results were consolidated, approximately 44% and 39% of the group’s revenue and profits, respectively, were contributed by Oiltools,” it said.

The company said the O&G division’s drilling fluids unit had secured new businesses in 2004. They were the supply of drilling fluids to Murphy Oil Sarawak and synthetic-based mud to Sarawak Shell Bhd and Sabah Shell Petroleum Co Ltd.

For the fourth quarter, Scomi recorded a net profit of RM21.42 million, which was more than the RM14.02 million for the entire financial year of 2003. For the quarter, revenue jumped to RM213.20 million compared with RM58.11 million.

Scomi said the higher net profit was also due to certain non-taxable foreign sourced income, low tax rate for foreign subsidiaries and also credits arising from the acquisition of the remaining 50% of KMC Oiltools’ stake in Shetland Oiltools Ltd.

Scomi Marine Bhd see record 4th Quarter results, 21 February 2006

Scomi Marine Bhd (Scomi Marine, formerly known as Habib Corporation Bhd), an associate company of Scomi Group Bhd, listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia, announced a record net profit of RM20.3 million for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2005, on the back of RM136.3 million in Turnover.

Cumulatively for the full financial year ended 31st December 2005, Scomi Marine recorded a Net Profit of RM24.5 million on the back of a Turnover of RM234.5 million. This is an increase of 703% and 105% respectively from the corresponding period in 2004.

The quantum increase in turnover and net profit is a result of the acquisition by Scomi Marine of the new businesses in the marine vessel transportation from Chuan Hup Holdings Ltd, namely the marine logistic business and the offshore marine support services. The acquisition was completed on September 30, 2006, making this the first quarter of fully consolidated marine vessel business.

The marine logistic services division generated a Net Profit of RM14.5 million on the back of a Turnover of RM84.4 million, making it the largest contributor to Scomi Marine's financial performance for the quarter under review. The Surabaya and Jakarta listed PT Rig Tenders Tbk ("PTRT") contributed RM8.7 million and RM3.3 million in Turnover and Net Profit to that of Scomi Marine.

Issues that impacted the quarter's results included adverse weather conditions resulting in reduced activities for its vessels as well as unplanned dry docking activities for maintenance of several vessels.

The prospect for 2006 continues to be good. It has 12 new vessels delivered to date with another 4 vessels expected to be delivered within the next four months. The new vessels are expected to contribute positively to Scomi Marine's turnover in 2006. Its increased shareholding in PTRT making it a subsidiary of the group is also another factor expected to positively impact the earning of the group for 2006.

Scomi Marine is also participating in tenders in Indonesia and Malaysia for more coal transportation business. Its strategy is to position itself as an energy logistic provider for the region.

Scomi Marine's plans going forward include leveraging on opportunities in offshore oil & gas support services for the international market, focusing on vessels with deepwater functionalities, end-to-end coal supply chain and also extracting better yield from its existing fleet.

Scomi Marine is an associate company of Scomi group which is involved in the oil and gas industry with core businesses in integrated drilling fluids and drilling waste management services and solutions, distribution of products and services, production enhancement chemicals, manufacturing business and marine vessel transportation.

Scomi unit poised to expand core ops
The Star, 27 January 2006

With its re-listing completed yesterday, Scomi Engineering Bhd is set to tap the capital markets to expand its core businesses of machine shop operations, transportation manufacturing and fleet management.

Senior vice-president Hilmy Zaini said the company planned to focus on niche areas within the divisions to fast-track its growth to boost earnings.

Scomi Engineering, a 71% subsidiary of Scomi Group Bhd, made an impressive start even before the re-listing via a reverse takeover of Bell & Order Bhd by its parent company.

For the nine months ended Sept 31, 2005, the company posted RM144.6mil in revenue and RM15mil in after-tax profit, beating the RM141.7mil revenue and RM10.9mil after-tax profit it charted in 2004.

“With our core businesses now under one roof, we are well positioned for better growth,” he said at a press conference yesterday.

Hilmy said the rise in oil and gas exploration activities augured well for the company's machine shop division.

“Contribution to this division should remain strong as oil and gas exploration activities in this region increases, fuelled by recent oil findings,” he said, adding that the company planned to improve earnings by leveraging on its seven machine shop operations in six countries in the Asia Pacific.

Hilmy said Scomi Engineering was also expanding its machine shop facilities in Thailand, Brunei and especially Labuan, in anticipation of the higher demand, especially for threaded pipes required in the region's oil and gas explorations.

“We expect the demand for threaded pipes to increase two-fold or more,” he said, adding that the Labuan machine shop contributed between RM7mil and RM8mil to the division's revenue.

Hilmy also said Scomi Engineering was looking to aggressively expand into new markets such as Shakalin Island, Turkmenistan and Tenggu in Irian Jaya.

“We were working out a deal in Sudan but that did not materialise and the bid to supply oil and gas accessories to Sakhalin Island is at the preliminary stage, while our bid to enter the Turkmenistan market through Petronas Carigali is at the evaluation stage,'' he said.

On market talk that oil prices could reach US$100 per barrel in six months, Hilmy said he would not be surprised as shallow-water oil and gas exploration activities in Malaysia and other regions were reaching maturity and there was increasing emphasis on deepwater exploration with rising oil demand.

He said the company planned to expand its business to include servicing the mining sector in the future. The company's transportation engineering division was also poised to expand to regional markets with its plan to set up distribution units for exclusive rights to distribute imported engineering components.

In the company's fleet management division, Hilmy said the industry was extremely competitive but was still profitable in niche areas.

Currently, the company managed over 600 vehicles and provides online rental services via a partnership with AirAsia Bhd under its Go Car promotion programme.

The company also has contracts to supply vehicles to Maxis Communications Bhd and Silver Bird Bhd. The company was looking at ways to improve earnings without incurring more overheads.

“Fleet outsourcing is one area of business worth pursuing because of lower operational costs,” he added.

Asked when the company planned to transfer to the main board, Hilmy said: “We hope to achieve this in the next 12 months if earnings targets are met.”

Mahathir uncovers nuke link
USA Today, 18 March 2004

The United States asked Malaysia to halt a shipment of suspected nuclear parts in the 1990s, years before a local company was linked to a network that supplied Libya, Iran and North Korea with weapons-making technology, Malaysia's former leader said Thursday.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad told The Associated Press in an interview that Malaysia stopped one shipment years ago of stainless steel pipes at Washington's request.

"We didn't know where they were headed," Mahathir told The AP. "They didn't say if it was for centrifuges. There were some reports submitted to me, saying that there was this American objection. They said it was meant for some nuclear thing."

Mahathir retired as prime minister Oct. 31 after 22 years in power that saw Malaysia develop as a high-tech manufacturing center. The nuclear parts incident is believed to have occurred in the early 1990s.

A U.S. official posted in this Southeast Asian nation at the time recalled that Washington suspected a Malaysian factory of making parts that could be used for nuclear purposes and were possibly bound for Pakistan. Malaysia contended that the parts had other possible applications.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, recalled that a ship was searched but no parts were found. He was unclear on details given the many years that have lapsed.

Last October, a shipment of 25,000 Malaysian-made centrifuge parts for enriching uranium to make nuclear arms was seized in the Mediterranean en route to Libya, uncovering a secret network led by Pakistan's top nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Malaysian police have cleared the company that made the components, Scomi Precision Engineering, of knowing that they were bound for Libya or for nuclear use. The company is controlled by the son of current Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

The company was tricked into thinking that the components were intended for the oil-and-gas industry in Dubai, police said, concluding that it could not be held responsible for any wrongdoing.

"During my time, there were also some orders for similar pipes," Mahathir told The AP. "It was not with Scomi. I think it was some other company. The United States objected to this, so the deal was aborted."

The seizure last October blew the lid off the smuggling network headed by Khan and triggered investigations in the United States, Europe and Asia to track down the ring's activities.

The deal to make the Libyan-bound parts in Malaysia was brokered by a Sri Lankan businessman, Buhary Syed Abu Tahir, whom President Bush has labeled the Khan network's "chief financial officer."

Tahir, who has business interests in Dubai, moved to Malaysia in the mid-1990s and began establishing contacts among the country's elite. Khan attended his marriage to a Malaysian woman.

Tahir served on the board of directors of an investment company, Kaspadu, along with the current prime minister's son, Kamaluddin Abdullah, the majority shareholder. Kaspadu holds the chief stake in Scomi, an oil and gas company. Scomi Precision Engineering is a subsidiary.

Tahir brokered the deal to make the parts for Libya, but police say he has broken no local laws and he remains free.

Tahir told Malaysian police that he had been acquainted with Khan since the 1980s and helped smuggle nuclear materials to Iran and Libya. The only deal involving Malaysia was Scomi's manufacture of parts for Libya between 2001 and 2003, the police report says.

The United States sent a top-level anti-proliferation envoy, John Wolf, to Malaysia three weeks ago to urge Abdullah and other officials to tighten export controls. Malaysian authorities made no firm commitment to Wolf, who was ambassador to Malaysia in the early 1990s.

Washington has been keen to improve relations with Malaysia, an important Southeast Asian ally in the war against terrorism, following often prickly relations during the Mahathir years.

"The U.S. has admitted that this is not a deliberate attempt by Malaysia to spread nuclear weapons to other countries," Mahathir said. "I don't think the people who ordered these things told Scomi, 'We are going to build a nuclear bomb. Can you please supply us with centrifuges?'"

Scomi gets RM50 mil job
The Edge, 27 February 2004

Scomi Group Bhd has secured a two-year RM50 million mud engineering and materials contract from Murphy Sarawak/Peninsular Malaysia/Sabah Oil Co Ltd.

The contract is for Murphy’s 2004-2005 deepwater and shallow water exploration/development drilling programmes.

Paper trail shows Malaysia ties
CNN, 18 February 2004

A Sri Lankan accused of being the chief financial officer for an international nuclear black market sat on the board of a company owned by the Malaysian prime minister's only son, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The connection indicates that alleged senior members of the network established by Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, were able to woo partners in the highest levels of Malaysian society.

In the Malaysian case, the partners said they had no idea deals were being made to fashion parts that could be used to make nuclear weapons.

The documents, obtained by AP via searches of publicly accessible files, reveal a paper trail through privately held and publicly listed companies that outlines ties between the prime minister's son, Kamaluddin Abdullah, and the Sri Lankan, Buhary Syed Abu Tahir, as well as his Malaysian wife.

The documents show that the men were top executives at Kaspadu Sdn. Bhd. when Tahir negotiated a deal for a company linked to Kaspadu, Scomi Precision Engineering, to build components that Western intelligence agencies allege were for use in Libya's nuclear program.

U.S. President George W. Bush last week called Tahir the "chief financial officer and money launderer" of the black market network led by Khan, who has admitted selling nuclear technology and know-how to Iran, North Korea and Libya.

Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf has said Khan acted alone in selling atomic secrets to these countries, but many in Pakistan and outside have doubted this.

Kamaluddin's company, the Scomi Group, previously acknowledged that its subsidiary Scomi Precision Engineering fulfilled a contract for machine parts that was negotiated by Tahir.

Non-proliferation authorities say the parts were for centrifuges -- sophisticated machines that can be used to enrich uranium for weapons and other purposes -- but Scomi says it did not know what the parts were to be used for.

Rohaida Badaruddin, a Scomi spokeswoman, confirmed Tuesday that Tahir was a Kaspadu director until early last year, and said it was likely Kamaluddin encountered Tahir at business meetings.

Kamaluddin was "shocked and surprised" to learn late last year of Tahir's alleged role in the nuclear network and broke ties with the Sri Lankan -- including asking Tahir's wife, Nazimah Syed Majid, to sell her shares in Kaspadu, the spokeswoman said.

Kamaluddin has not spoken publicly about the matter and was not available for comment Tuesday. A security guard at the house listed on company documents as his residence told AP it was owned by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, but that nobody now lives there.

The AP traced Nazimah, 35, to an apartment in one of Kuala Lumpur's most exclusive suburbs. She declined comment, except to say, "My husband is not here; he's away." She said she did not know where Tahir went.

Police say they have interviewed Tahir but he is not in custody because he has committed no crime in Malaysia.

Abdullah took office last October and was deputy prime minister at the time of the business dealings between his son and Tahir.

Tahir is believed to have started developing social and business ties in Malaysia in the mid-1990s, and by 1998 held a society wedding attended by Khan. Tahir's wife is the daughter of a former Malaysian diplomat, officials have said.

The revelations of deeper links between Tahir and Kamaluddin come as Malaysian officials complain that this mostly Muslim Southeast Asian country has been unfairly singled out by Washington for its role in the nuclear black market.

Bush, in his speech last week, alleged Tahir used a Dubai computer company as a front for Khan's network, and directed the Malaysian company to produce centrifuge parts based on Pakistani designs. Bush said Khan's network used front companies to "deceive legitimate firms into selling them tightly controlled materials."

Malaysia has welcomed comments by a senior U.S. official, who said during a visit to China on Monday that Bush doesn't hold Malaysia responsible.

"There was never any suggestion that the government of Malaysia was involved," said John Bolton, an undersecretary of state, adding that the Malaysian firm might not have known its equipment was for nuclear use.

Kaspadu is a privately held investment vehicle for Kamaluddin and a business partner that has a controlling stake in Scomi.

Scomi fully owns Scomi Precision Engineering, which delivered "14 semifinished components" to Dubai-based Gulf Technical Industries between December 2002 and August 2003, under the US$3.4 million Tahir contract.

The parts were seized in October in boxes marked with Scomi's name en route to Libya. Scomi says it understood the parts were for the oil and gas industry, and had no knowledge of the Libyan connection.

Scomi has previously identified Tahir as a businessman who approached its subsidiary about the contract, and said Kamaluddin had no knowledge of the deal because he has no official management role in Scomi.

But company documents show ties between Tahir, 44, and companies controlled by Kamaluddin, 36, were closer than previously acknowledged.

Kaspadu documents list Tahir as being appointed December 16, 2000, as a company director. Kamaluddin is listed as one of Kaspadu's four other directors and its "corporate executive."

Malaysian police say Tahir negotiated the Libya-linked contract around 2001. It was Scomi Precision Engineering's first order, and it built a factory to fill it.

Kaspadu records show Tahir resigned as a director February 24, 2003. No reasons were given and the Scomi spokeswoman said she didn't know why.

Scomi Precision Engineering paid Kaspadu 84,000 ringgit ($22,000) in management fees in 2002, when Tahir was a director.

Other records show that in October 2000, Nazimah, Tahir's wife, was one of only three shareholders in Kaspadu. The others are Kamaluddin and his business partner, Shah Hakim Shahzanim Zain, who is a director of Kaspadu and Scomi Precision Engineering, and is the Scomi Group's chief executive.

Documents show that Nazimah's stake in the company was sold to Kamaluddin and Hakim last month.

After an inquiry, Prime Minister Abdullah declared Scomi had been cleared of wrongdoing. Last week he said "there is no such thing as Malaysian involvement" in the network outlined by Bush.

Scomi’s FY03 net profit exceeds forecast
The Edge, 16 February 2004

Oil and gas related Scomi Group Bhd achieved a net profit of RM14.02 million in financial year ended Dec 31, 2003, which was slightly higher than its forecast of RM13.5 million.

It recorded a revenue of RM162.48 million while earnings per share was 18.91 sen. Net tangible asset per share was 86 sen.

Before 1 November 2003

Abdullah should come out with a policy statement as to the implications of the meteoric rise of Scomi and his son, Kamaluddin Abdullah Badawi, overnight richer by RM430 million, on accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance when he takes over as the fifth Prime Minister in less than six weeks

Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang, 20 September 2003

The entire market is watching the meteoric rise of the newly-listed Second Board 50-sen stock, Scomi and Kamaluddin Abdullah Badawi, the only son of Prime Minister-designate Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who could have become RM430 million richer overnight – and what it implies in terms of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance when Abdullah takes over as the fifth Prime Minister in less than six weeks.

Yesterday, the share price of oil-and-gas services group Scomi, which is substantially owned by Kamaluddin, rocketed to as high as RM9.50, an astronomical rise of 588 per cent from its listing price of RM1.38 in May – making it the top equity performer in the country this year.

Although Kamaluddin’s exact stake in Scomi cannot be ascertained, he has at least a total interest of 53 per cent, based on its listing prospectus, which states that his privately-held Kaspadu has a 27.2 per cent direct interest and another 26 per cent deemed interest in Scomi.

Assuming a total interest of 53 per cent in Scomi, the stake would be worth RM503.5 million at RM9.50 per share. Kamaluddin’s paper worth would have gone up RM430 million as the stake was valued at RM73.1 million four months ago.

Almost all oil-and-gas stocks are enjoying a bull run, buoyed by the budget announcement that the government is encouraging the formation of a second consortium to undertake the development of smaller oil fields, and Scomi is the darling of these stocks because of growing expectation that it could be the chief beneficiary of the budget announcement.

In view of the implications of the meteoric rise of Scomi on the Abdullah premiership, Abdullah should come out with a clear policy statement preferably in Parliament on Monday as to put to rest all speculation as to how it could affect policies of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance under his premiership when he replaces Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in Sri Perdana Putrajaya end of next month.

SCOMI plays down role of Acting PM's son
By Sidek Kamiso
The Edge, 30 April 2003

SCOMI Group Bhd chief executive officer Shah Hakim Zain has played down the role of Kamaluddin Abdullah, a son of Acting Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, in the company.

Instead, he said investors should focus on SCOMI's fundamentals when deciding whether to participate in its upcoming initial public offering. Shah Hakim said Kamaluddin is a shareholder with no executive position.

"He is not involved in the day-to-day operations, but he is aware of management decision-making process," he said after the company's balloting ceremony on April 30, when asked about Kamaluddin's role in the company.

Shah Hakim also urged investors to look at the company's proven track record and its consistent high margins.

He also played down "the hottest IPO" label, tagged on SCOMI for its upcoming listing on the Second Board due to the presence of Kamaludin and other prominent corporate figures such as Symphony House Bhd chief executive Datuk Azman Yahya.

"Oil and gas seems to be the hottest industry, but we like people to view us as a company which has good fundamentals," he said.

Scomi Group on solid ground

By Isa Ismail
The Edge, 13 May 2003

Scomi Group's over-subscription of more than nine times for the three million shares it is offering the public this Tuesday may be an indication of the general perception of the company as the "hottest IPO" in recent times.

En route to a listing on the Second Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE), this bumiputera-controlled company has attracted a lot of attention due to its shareholder line-up comprising Kamaluddin Abdullah and Datuk Azman Yahaya. "The over-subscription is a good sign of keen public interest," says an analyst with Hwang-DBS Securities. "Yes, its shareholder line-up has spurred some excitement."

Notwithstanding its prominent shareholders, Scomi Group's chief executive officer Shah Hakim Zain is confident that investors will see the company for what it is rather than who owns it.

"Oil and gas seems to be the hottest industry, but we would like people to view us as a company that has good fundamentals," Shah Hakim said recently when asked about his fellow shareholders.

It appears that most analysts agree with Shah Hakim. The company, which has captured 82 per cent of the market for drilling fluids in the country, does have an enviable position in the local oil and gas industry.

"It's a fundamentally solid company," says another analyst.

Scomi Group posted a net profit of RM14.6 million for the year ended Dec 31, 2002, on the back of a turnover of RM158.5 million. By June next year, Scomi Groups will be ready to move to the Main Board of the KLSE, analysts say.

"Their business may not be very big at the moment but the services they provide are necessary in the oil and gas business," says an analyst.

The group has three core activities, which are the provision of drilling fluids and chemicals for the oil and gas industry, the assembly of modified commercial vehicles and a car rental service. Of the three, the oil and gas division contributes about 70 per cent of the group's total revenue. Subsidiary Kota Minerals and Chemicals Sdn Bhd (KMC) undertakes Scomi Group's oil and gas operations while the other two divisions come under Scomi Sdn Bhd (commercial vehicles) and Scomi Transportation Solutions Sdn Bhd (car rental services).

At the launch of the company's prospectus last month, Shah Hakim said the company has a book order worth RM185 million, which is 10 per cent short of its 2003 book order forecast of RM204 million.

Formerly an agent for drilling fluid giant Magcobar-Imco Drilling Fluids Inc (MI), KMC has grown to become an established provider of specialised drilling fluids and chemicals in the country. Today, the company competes with the likes of MI and other major players such as Baroid of Halliburton and Baker Hughes Inc.

Also known as "mud" engineering, drilling fluids are specially blended chemical cocktails used to ensure drill heads function efficiently as well as to soften and remove soil and waste from oil wells.

KMC's main customers are ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia (EPMI), Petronas Carigali and Shell Sarawak. EPMI contributed 40 per cent of the company's income in the financial year 2002 while Petronas and Shell contributed 37 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively.

Unlike its competitors, KMC prides itself on its large Malaysian team of engineers, which has given the company a cost advantage over larger foreign players.

"Over the years, KMC has successfully trained Malaysian engineers," says an analyst with Mayban Securities. "Ninety-six per cent of its technical support is comprised of locals, compared with 60 per cent and 30 per cent for MI and Baker Hughes in Malaysia."

The company also has fully equipped chemical laboratories to support its daily operations, she adds.

Another analyst with Affin-UOB concurs, saying that KMC is the only mud engineering company in the country that has its own barite mill and speciality chemicals blending facility. The plant provides the bulk of the country's barite requirements of oil and gas companies in the peninsula.

The analyst points out that KMC is dependent on oil and gas exploration activities as drilling fluids are used in the initial stages of the oil extraction process. With about 14 years of crude oil reserves remaining, KMC might experience a slowdown in drilling activities as oil supplies dwindle.

To avoid this, Scomi Group's management plans to ride on Petronas' global expansion programme to keep its oil and gas division going for years to come. Petronas currently has stakes in the oil and gas industry in over 22 countries and is expected to expand to 40 countries worldwide in the future. KMC itself has received a letter of award to supply drilling fluids to the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Co Ltd in Sudan. It is also seeking to expand into deep-sea exploration, which will require more drilling fluids.

The group also manufactures specialised road equipment such as airport ground support vehicles. Under the brand name King's, Scomi Group offers, among others, tankers, trailers, aircraft refuellers and catering lift trucks.

Malaysia's Scomi renews deal with three oil firms
Reuters, 25 August 2003

Malaysian oil and gas company Scomi Group said on Monday it has renewed its contracts to supply drilling fluids and engineering services to three oil majors operating in the country.

Reuters reported last week that Scomi was to sign a 300 million ringgit ($79 million) contract to extend its supply agreements with Malaysia's Petronas, Royal Dutch Shell Group and ExxonMobil Corp.

Scomi said in a statement the extension was for a period of two years but did not give a value.

"As of this moment, there is no value available for the contract," Norhaidza Shamsudin, a spokeswoman for Scomi, told Reuters.

Shell and ExxonMobil are involved in oil production-sharing contracts with Petronas in Malaysia. Scomi's original deals with all three was for a period of three years and was worth around 100 million ringgit.

Controlled by Kamaluddin Abdullah, a son of Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the mid-sized Scomi has relied on the supply contract for 90 percent of its turnover since 2000.

Kamaluddin, who does not hold any management position, controls 53 percent of Scomi via subsidiary Kota Minerals & Chemicals Sdn Bhd.

Scomi -- with a market capitalisation of just 510 million ringgit -- said the contract extensions were awarded directly to Kota Minerals.

Scomi's shares have been at a high since mid-June, when news leaked of an impending deal, and more than quadruple its 1.38 ringgit May initial public offering price. The stock closed 0.6 percent up at 6.45 ringgit on Monday.